My family

My family
My husband Bill, stepdaughters Allison and Kailey and stepson Hunter

Monday, March 12, 2012


Have you ever just wanted to scream? For some reason we always think screaming is going to make everything better. Never happens though, does it?? It doesn't even make us feel better after we do it even though we think it will. Doing an AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH may make us feel better for a moment, but it doesn't take the problem away.

Why the random babbling about screaming??? Today is one of those days where I would just love to scream. I want to scream and it take the problems away, but I know it won't happen. I can think it though, right?? LOL.

I had such an amazing weekend with Bill and the kids and my church family, but then Monday comes along and...........BLAH!!! Why do Monday's feel so horrible?

So much more to say....but I will save it for my next babbling. I sure hope the day gets better!! I'm sure it will. With an awesome God, an amazing husband, and a wonderful church family.....I know things will get better!!! I sure am blessed!!!

Hope you all have a great day!!! No screaming, it doesn't work anyway!!! LOL. Pray instead!!!

1 comment:

collettakay said...

Great to see you are blogging again. It doesn't have to be fancy. It just has to be fun! Be yourself and post what and when you like :)
