My family

My family
My husband Bill, stepdaughters Allison and Kailey and stepson Hunter

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

March 18th, 2012

March 18th was a very rough day for me. Bill and I woke up for worship and when we walked in the door, Chad, our preacher, handed me the phone and walked me to the front of the building and told me to call my mom. I knew instantly that something was wrong because of how Melvin, one of the elders, treated me. I went into the office and called my mother. She was crying as soon as she answered the phone so I knew something was very wrong. She preceeded to tell me that my pap passed away earlier that morning. He died in his sleep. Probably from another heart attack. The doctors told the family that he had less than a year to live so we knew our time was short, but we didn't realize it was going to be that short. I cried a little during worship, but not much at all. I tried to be so very strong. Mom and dad were in the Norfolk, VA area and could not get home until Monday night. Got home from worship and decided to call and talk to my mom a little to see how she was doing. I also called my Aunt Amy and my Uncle Jim and talked to them a bit. It was the least I could do. Mom and dad came home Monday night around 9pm. Tom and Drew came up and the family was there together. Bill grilled hamburgers and I chopped up potatoes for french fries. It was a great supper.

Tuesday, Bill went to work and I went with my mom and dad to Somerset. Mom needed to go pick up her glasses and we were meeting the family for breakfast. It was a good morning. We then went home and made supper. Bill came home and we spent the evening as a family. Bill's kids called and talked to my mom.....that made her happy. I just wish they would call and talk to their dad at times. Seems they are drifting SOOO far apart from him....from us.

Bill took off Wednesday to be there for me and the family. I sure was proud of him. I told him he didn't need to take off, especially since we can't afford it and I didn't want him to burn a personal day....but he took it off anyway. That showed me just how much he loves me. We decided to ride with mom and dad to the memorial service. We arrived at Laurel Highlands Church of Christ before anyone else got there. We were only 20 minutes early. The funeral directors arrived right after us. None of us could get into the building...we had to wait for a church member. Pretty soon some members of the church showed up and started carrying food in. I watched the funeral directors carry the flowers in and I watched them carry something else in that was covered up.....that must be my paps ashes I thought. Sure enough....that is what it was. I helped the family set up the Memorial table. I got to see a lot of family and friends that I haven't seen in a really long time....years!!! The service wasn't that bad....I thought I would be a mess, but I wasn't. We all did good!! I thank Bob and Chad for doing the service. I sure am blessed with a great hubby, family and church family!!! Not sure what I would do without them. I also want to thank LHCC and WMCC for supplying all the food. What an amazing church family!!! I love you all!!!

Something I won't ever forget is that my gram and pap both died on the 18th of the month (pap in march and gram in december) and their services were both on the 21st of the month.

I pray I can be half the person my pappy was. He was all about family!! He loved his family more than anything. He also loved the Lord. I hope I can read and study my Bible like he did. I love you pappy and your memory will always live on in my heart!!!

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