My family

My family
My husband Bill, stepdaughters Allison and Kailey and stepson Hunter

Monday, March 12, 2012

Amazing Weekend

Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You SOOO much for blessing me with an amazing husband, amazing stepkids, amazing family and friends, and an amazing church family. I truly am blessed beyond comprehension. start babbling about my amazing weekend.
I had a lot of plans or Friday evening but I happened to forget that Bill was going to have to work a little late due to some painting they were doing inside the Pepsi warehouse. Yes, my hubby works at Pepsi for those of you that didn't know that. Anyway....he didn't get off work until after 8 and then he had to go pick up his kids at their house. Their mom went to Atlantic City for the weekend so we were keeping the kids. Well, two of them. Bill got home a little after 9. I had supper ready for when they walked in the door. Just something simple and easy since Kailey just got her braces on Thursday. Her mouth was so very sore. I made hot dogs, hot sausages, and perogie casserole. I cut the hotdogs up real small for Kailey and even had some pudding for her so she had something to eat. We prayed, we ate, and then we watched SwampPeople and went to bed. Bill and I went upstairs and finished our devotions on the book of James. Can't wait to study James with Chad and the church.
Saturday we woke up around 8. We had no internet so we all decided to do something to occupy our time. I made everyone breakfast while Bill and Hunter went outside to work on the jeep. Kailey still didn't feel good so she layed around a lot. She watched Chronicles of Narnia. I chopped up potatoes and threw them in the skillet. I also put a roll of sausage in with it. I fried that up until it was done and then whisked in some eggs and mushrooms. YUMMMM!!! Those are the kinds of breakfasts we have when the kids are here. After breakfast, I did the cleaning up and Bill and Hunter went back outside. They worked on the jeep some more and didn't get anywhere with it so they decided to chop down the pine tree that mom wanted down. They had fun with that. Hunter decided to drag all of the limbs to his fort that me made in the woods. He sure does love it here. I finished cleaning the kitchen, did some laundry and then I watched a movie with Kailey. I then went outside myself. Did some cleaning up in the yard since it was nice out. Around one we all started to get ready for Kailey's basketball game. Right before we left we got a call from Bill's oldest daughter asking us to stop by the house because she was having an issue. She stayed home with her step-sister Cora. She was babysitting all weekend. Wish she would have been with us, but oh well. We have only seen Allison once since Christmas. Anyway....we drove over to the kids house and helped Allison and then we headed to Kailey's game. We had to drive to WestMar which is near Loneaconing, MD. It never dawned on me that we would have to pay to get I looked like an idiot. We never have money so I looked pretty stupid digging in my wallet unprepared. Oh well....there went gas money for a couple days. It was worth it. We got to spend the day watching Kailey play basketball with her friends. Bill got to talk to his one friend from school. I'm glad we went. After the game we had to stop in Frostburg and get a few groceries. We were out of so much but could only get the necessities. We also had to get gas in Bill's truck. Boy did that make me cry. We just filled up on Thursday night and we were already filling up again.......UGH. BUT, once again I tried not to let it get to me because we did it for the kids. SOOOO....once we got home we had the most amazing supper. OOOPPPPPSSS....forgot to mention that before we left for the game Bill put chicken in the smoker so it would be done when we got home. When we got home, the chicken wasn't quite done. It had about a half hour to go. Kailey wanted to have mashed potatoes and gravy and Hunter wanted noodles so it was like a Thanksgiving feast. The kids even helped me make all of it. Kailey was a HUGE help. She kept stirring everything for me while I was getting everything else ready. I have to admit that it was a great meal. The kids ate everything on their plates. That made me happy!!! After supper we all sat down (still no Internet) and Kailey picked the was 'Courageous'. I'm so happy that Bill's kids love to watch the Christian-inspirational movies. It was their first time watching it. They loved it. After the movie we went to bed. Bill and I did our prayer and devotion and finished up the book of James. Woooohoooo....what a day!!!
Sunday we got up for worship. I got a shower, woke the kids, and then realized Bill was still in bed. He was having trouble getting up and moving. Not because of being tired but because his back was absolutely killing him. I felt so bad for him, especially since there wasn't much I could do for him. We attended Sunday School first and then worship service. What a great sermon on 'Defeating the Enemy'. Chad preached on defeating 4 specific enemies. They were sin, unbelief, apathy and ignorance. What a powerful sermon!!! Kailey really paid attention and followed along in her Bible. I was so proud!!! Hunter went to Jr Church. Brian was the teacher. Hunter told me about his lesson. I was also proud of him for paying attention. After services we went to the fellowship hall and ate. I just love having dinners every week. It saves me from going home to cook. We ate and then drove home. We spent the afternoon outside since it was so nice outside. Kailey watched a movie and I started watching it with her but then Hunter came and got me and wanted me to go outside with I did. We went to his fort. I then spent some more time outside and gathered the garbage for the garbage truck. Bill was washing his truck, took a ride on his motorcycle and worked on the pond and the jeep. We were busy!!! We had the kids gather up their things to take home to their moms and then jumped back in the truck for Sunday night youth and services. Kids had a blast at youth. We had play practice for a half hour and then practiced our song we are singing for the hymn sing next Sunday night. The kids had so much fun. Chad preached another great sermon. Hunter even took up the offering. WOW....Bill and his kids are becoming so involved in serving. I am so very proud!!! I am one VERY proud wife and stepmom. I hope someday the kids will see just how much I love them. I'm sure one day they will realize it. After services Bill and I had practice for our performance for the Hymn Sing. The kids got to watch all of us practice. Then we took the kids to meet their mom.
It was such a great weekend. I hated to see it end. After we dropped the kids off....Bill and I drove home. The whole way home I thought of just how blessed I truly am. Even though Bill was in so much pain, I could tell he enjoyed the weekend as well. We both went to bed knowing that the kids had a great time!!! We did our prayer time and studied Abraham. Then kissed and said our I Love You's and then went to bed.
Thank You, Dear Lord, for an amazing weekend!! Thank You, for Your constant blessings!! In Jesus' Name, Amen!!!


collettakay said...

Sounds like a great weekend!

Chad said...

Wow, that must have been one busy weekend! LOL