My family

My family
My husband Bill, stepdaughters Allison and Kailey and stepson Hunter

Friday, March 9, 2012

Let Your Light Shine!!

Does it bother you that there are lost souls that we don't reach out to? Or deliberately refuse to reach out to?? The Bible says we are to 'Let our light shine' always!! It is a direct command from God in Matthew 5:16. Are we, as Christians, making a difference in this world? Are we evangelizing the towns/world we are living in? Are we following God's Word and commands? Does your daily walk reflect Christ? We sure do have A LOT of work to do church!!!

I did come up with the paragraph above all by myself. However....its just random notes I took from Chad's sermon that he preached on Sunday. His sermon was titled. "The Church MARCHing forward". It is his series for the month of March. I enjoyed the sermon so I do all of them. This particular sermon really hit me hit me right in the heart where all sermons should hit. The sermon made me want to make an even bigger difference in my life. I am going to make it my goal for 2012 to reach out to those that 'most' people (even the church) would look over or ignore or steer clear from. My parents travel all over the USA in a truck and see a lot of homeless. Do we realize that they are lost souls too? They may not look the best or smell the best, but we must be a light to them and give them hope. Encourage them and show them love and witness to them. Are there people in your own town that you don't like their looks, don't like the way they smell, or steer clear from??? WELL....STOP IT!!! That is NOT a Christ-like attitude. We are to be MORE like Christ and let our light shine. Be fruitful.

I encourage each one of you to reach out to someone this week...someone that you 'normally' wouldn't reach out to. Witness to them this week and show them some love.

Have a great day and God Bless!!!

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